Thursday 14 June 2007

A Haunting at the Treasurer’s House

On the evening of the 26th May, a strange happening took place in the Treasurer’s House - Ghostly sounds and music echoed through the halls, strange images appeared on the walls. You could have been fooled into thinking that you had stumbled upon a haunting, but no – this was a performance by Cube Media’s SoundWeavers as part of York Live 2007!

The SoundWeavers, a group of learning disabled musicians and trainee workshop leaders, have been working hard over the past few months to create an atmospheric retelling of some of York’s best-known ghost stories. Using accessible Music Technology, the SoundWeavers created sounds and music to make a unique soundtrack for the stories, which they performed live. In addition to this, the evening also had a unique interactive element, where audience members could interact with the performers by triggering additional sounds and images.

The evening was well attended, and after a shy start, everyone got stuck in and had a go at pressing some pads!

All in all, it was an eerie evening in a fantastic location, and was enjoyed by performers and audience alike! This performance was a first for the SoundWeavers, but they are hoping to more interactive performances in the future, so watch this space!

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