Friday 22 June 2007

myspace myspace myspace

In case we've never mentioned it before, Cube and Hands & Voice have lovely myspace sites now. If myspace is your thing become a friends and get all online networky with it...or something like that.

Thursday 14 June 2007

A Haunting at the Treasurer’s House

On the evening of the 26th May, a strange happening took place in the Treasurer’s House - Ghostly sounds and music echoed through the halls, strange images appeared on the walls. You could have been fooled into thinking that you had stumbled upon a haunting, but no – this was a performance by Cube Media’s SoundWeavers as part of York Live 2007!

The SoundWeavers, a group of learning disabled musicians and trainee workshop leaders, have been working hard over the past few months to create an atmospheric retelling of some of York’s best-known ghost stories. Using accessible Music Technology, the SoundWeavers created sounds and music to make a unique soundtrack for the stories, which they performed live. In addition to this, the evening also had a unique interactive element, where audience members could interact with the performers by triggering additional sounds and images.

The evening was well attended, and after a shy start, everyone got stuck in and had a go at pressing some pads!

All in all, it was an eerie evening in a fantastic location, and was enjoyed by performers and audience alike! This performance was a first for the SoundWeavers, but they are hoping to more interactive performances in the future, so watch this space!

Thursday 7 June 2007

ecoDepot film online

Cube Media has just completed the first in a series of commissions for the City of York Council's new ecoDepot.

As an exemplar of sustainable construction and the largest timber-framed, straw-clad building in the whole of Europe, York is surely demonstrating that it really does take climate change seriously. Cube Media is proud to be working in partnership with Mojo Media on such an exciting breakthrough project for York.

Click here to visit the video page.

Pick and Mix session review

Pick & Mix Taster Day at Northallerton College March 07

Pick & Mix, an innovative new programme for aspiring young musicians, was launched on a high note at Northallerton College on Saturday 10th March. The scheme is being run as a collaboration between Cube Media (North Yorkshire’s foremost Community Media Centre), Tune – In (the North Yorkshire Youth Music Action Zone) & Connecting Youth Culture / 6K Vision (a music project aimed at developing the professional skills of young musicians living in North Yorkshire), to help young people develop the skills they need to become more employable within the music industry.

The taster day was led by music leaders from across the region, including a member of Cube Media’s SoundWeavers – a pioneering scheme which trains learning disabled musicians to be workshop leaders. The day provided ‘hands on’ experience for Northallerton’s young musicians, to gain an insight into a wide range of community music and music education activities, that exist in the music industry today.

Throughout the day an assortment of activities was made available to all participants including: warm ups and games, creating music with accessible music technology, using multi-media software, World Drumming and Singing and Signing. These activities were received enthusiastically and stimulated everyone’s imagination as to how they could be used in various settings within music industry.

All in all the taster day was deemed very successful and participants felt by the end of the day they had a better understanding of how the development of skills in the area of Community music and music education can open up an array of opportunities in the music industry. One of the participants had this to say:

‘I found the talk at the end about the reality about the music industry really interesting as it made me realise that there is a lot more that I can do with my music than just performing.’

Following from this taster day, many of the participants look forward to working closely with a mentor to continue their professional development.

If you missed this session, there will be more Pick and Mix days in venues across North Yorkshire.

Upcoming session:
The Glusburn Institure, Glusburn – Saturday 23rd June

If you are interested in booking onto a session or finding out more ring 01904 626965 or email

New Cube Blog/news page up and running

You may have noticed that the website has been a little neglected of late. It is through no fault of our own, we've had, er, technical issues with our server. Thankfully, all is now fixed and we're back...better than ever? Well, we've changed the news page so it operates a bit more regularly...more bran and all that...or something...

Ahem, anyway...bring on the news!